Please follow the steps below to complete the process:

Step1. Go to

Your Inbox

Go to the inbox of the email address you just used to sign up.

Step 2. Read the

Welcome Email

It has the subject line “[OPT(IN)SANITY] Your next 5 days + a surprise gift” and is sent from “Alp Turan” (

Step 3. Scroll down

this page

Because I have a question only you can answer.

May I avail myself of your wisdom?

One final thing:

If you wouldn't mind, I'd love it if you answered one quick question:

Why did you sign up for 5 Days of  OPT(IN)SANITY?

I'm asking because knowing what made you sign up is really helpful in making sure I'm delivering on what you want.

Why did you sign up for this email course?