And the Worst Customer Service of the Year award goes to…
This locksmith.
Look at one of his reviews:
“I called this locksmith to unlock my car. He got it unlocked, but broke the handle so the door wouldn’t open. We had to break a window to get in. He still charged me his usual fee.”
Before you laugh too hard, or pick up the pitchfork in righteous indignation, I want to challenge you:
Could you - unintentionally - be doing the same thing as a business?
Checklist questions to ask yourself:
- Someone pays you to fix something: they buy your product or service. While you’re fixing that, could you be breaking something else?
- Does your solution work as advertised?
Advertisement: “Lost your keys? Call 000-111 to get in.”
Reality: “I unlocked the lock, but you still have to break the window to get in.”
Check back with your customers. If possible, watch them implement your solution in real time.
Does the process actually work as advertised - or is a significant percentage of customers getting stuck because of the same things over and over again?
Eliminate those sticking points.
Customers notice when you care.
They will tell you stuff like:
“Every interaction I've had with you (email subscriber to 1-on-1 emails, to your webinar), I don't feel like I've been constantly "sold".
There are some people I know, where every interaction with them is an opportunity for me to buy their product or service; trust me, I get it because I know it's business.
It's not like that with you though. I get the feeling that you care about offering people immense value rather than just making a sale. Feel free to use that in a testimonial too! :)”

“Thanks for keeping on top of this. Great customer service.”

“Wow! I continue to be impressed by your integrity and commitment to a wonderful customer experience! Thank you.”

“(..) shows that you really are invested in our success, rather than your own sales figures”

“Most people sell and they do not care if their students finish or not! You do! Refreshing.”

Save those testimonials and use them in your marketing. They are your most powerful assets in building credibility.
Next question...
- Is it advertised the way it works?
You might be delivering on the promise you made. But does your sales copy actually promise what you think it promises?
This goes all the way back to your opt-in offer.
Here is one of the litmus tests I teach students:
“If Dreamy (your ideal buyer) looks at your freebie, what will he think your paid offer does?”
If there is a mismatch between the free offer and the paid offer - or if your landing page copy is unclear, then your marketing can’t bring in the right people.
And if you’re not getting the right people in through the door, they’ll just go out the other door when you start selling them stuff.
To avoid that disappointment, say the right things on your landing page and create opt-in offers that make strategic sense.